Important Contact Info

WNCAP Main Office:
(828) 252-7489

WNCAP Main Email:

National HIV/AIDS Hotline:
(800) 232-4636

National HIV/AIDS Email:

Hepatitis C Treatment Assistance

Quick Facts

According to the CDC, the Hepatitis C mortality rate is higher than 60 other infectious diseases combined, including HIV.  And yet, in most individuals, Hep C, also referred to as HCV, is fully curable within a few months.

If you have been diagnosed and would like assistance getting linked to a provider for treatment, please contact our Pharmacy Services department. We will discuss your needs and refer you to treatment resources, and we will be here for you throughout the treatment process to provide support as needed.

Clients may be eligible for financial assistance with HCV medications.  WNCAP Pharmacy Services can help clients apply for Patient Assistance Programs or Co-Pay Cards. Clients who are eligible for the Pharmacy Services Program will have their prescriptions automatically shipped directly to their address of choice each month.  Using WNCAP's Pharmacy Services can make medications affordable and easy to obtain, eliminating stress and enabling clients to follow through with HCV treatment.

If you are unsure of your status and would like to get tested, WNCAP also provides free and confidential rapid testing by appointment.

  • The highest mortality rate from chronic HCV occurs in people between the ages of 55 and 64.

  • It is highly recommended that everyone born from 1945-1965 is tested, regardless of other risk factors.
  • The primary danger of untreated HCV is chronic liver disease, which may be asymptomatic for several decades until it’s in a more advanced stage. This can include cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Read More About Hepatitis C

Prevention Education

WNCAP offers innovative age appropriate education programs and HIV/AIDS education materials for schools, worksites & community groups