Important Contact Info

WNCAP Main Office:
(828) 252-7489

WNCAP Main Email:

National HIV/AIDS Hotline:
(800) 232-4636

National HIV/AIDS Email:

Western North Carolina AIDS Project


A community free of HIV, Hepatitis C, and overdose deaths.


To provide equitable access to care and reduce harm from HIV, Hepatitis C, and drug use.


The Western North Carolina AIDS Project (WNCAP, pronounced win-cap) was founded in 1986 by a small group of committed volunteers. During the early years of the AIDS epidemic, WNCAP founders provided food, comfort, and care to people with AIDS-related illnesses.

In the 1990s, WNCAP developed prevention education and a case management program. Later, WNCAP also added harm reduction and pharmacy services.

Today, WNCAP serves thousands of people across 18 counties in Western North Carolina: Cleveland, Avery, Mitchell, Yancey, McDowell, Rutherford, Polk, Henderson, Buncombe, Madison, Haywood, Transylvania, Jackson, Swain, Macon, Graham, Clay, and Cherokee.

All WNCAP services are 100 percent free and confidential.

Contact Us

We love connecting with members of our community! If you have any questions, comments or concerns and you believe WNCAP can be of service, please reach out. The best way to find an answer fast is to call our Asheville office at (828) 252-7489 or email


Asheville Office

Physical Address:
554 Fairview Road
Asheville, NC 28803
Mailing Address:
PO Box 2411
Asheville NC 28802
(828) 252-7489
(828) 274-4483

Hours: Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm

Franklin Office

Physical Address:
3257 Georgia Road
Franklin, NC 28734
(828) 349-0036
(828) 274-4483

Hours: Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm

Prevention Education

WNCAP offers innovative age appropriate education programs and HIV/AIDS education materials for schools, worksites & community groups
