WNCAP Employment Opportunities
Important Contact Info

WNCAP Main Office:
(828) 252-7489

WNCAP Main Email:

National HIV/AIDS Hotline:
(800) 232-4636

National HIV/AIDS Email:

Case Management and Becoming a WNCAP Client

Case management at WNCAP is a service that assists people living with HIV/AIDS access the resources needed to stay engaged in care and thrive in their communities. The goal of the case management program is to sustain independence through providing support, advocacy, and connection to services to meet basic needs so clients stay in care and healthy. Case managers and clients work together to assess an appropriate level of case management. Case management services can range from a lower level, client-managed approach to a more intensive approach: Medical Case Management.

If you are interested in case management services or you would like more information, please make an appointment. You can also email or call (828) 252-7489 for more information.

Examples of case management services include:

  • Referrals for a wide range of services/supports, such as housing advocacy, legal assistance, substance abuse and behavioral health services, hospice care, food/ personal care items, financial management counseling and others;
  • Link clients to Infectious Disease medical providers
  • Assistance obtaining HIV medications
  • Emergency financial assistance
  • Transportation coordination to medical appointments

Case management is offered to people living with HIV living in the 18 county region, shown in the map above. We encourage you to call us to discuss your specific needs whether you are new to the area, a longtime resident, were recently diagnosed with HIV or have been HIV positive for a long time. Based on our conversation with you, you may find yourself interested in having just a few sessions with a case manager to learn more about the resources in the area, known as a consultation visit, or you may decide that more intensive case management is right for you. All case management services at WNCAP are voluntary.

Our case management team can help put you at ease and connect you with the many resources available in our area.

Prevention Education

WNCAP offers innovative age appropriate education programs and HIV/AIDS education materials for schools, worksites & community groups