Mark your calendars for Dining Out For Life 2019 on Thursday, April 25.
As most of our faithful readers already know, Dining Out For Life (DOFL) is an annual event benefiting HIV Prevention & Care that takes place in nearly 50 cities across the nation. This year, Dining Out For Life is on Thursday, April 25, 2019. In Asheville, DOFL will once again be underwritten by our longtime Presenting Sponsor, Prestige Subaru.
On that day, participating restaurants will donate 20% of their gross sales to WNCAP. Resources generated by Dining Out For Life help people survive and thrive in a world where there remains ample stigma surrounding HIV.
In 2018, thanks to the generosity of restaurants, diners, and volunteer Ambassadors, DOFL was honored with a “Best Of WNC” award by Mountain Xpress for Best Local Fundraising Event. Asheville also ranked in the top 10 DOFL cities in 2018 – outranking New York and Chicago! That is truly a testament to the community spirit (and love of fine local cuisine) that distinguishes our beautiful home.
Volunteer Ambassadors are critical to the success of Dining Out For Life. Ambassadors invite their family, friends, and colleagues to come eat out at their assigned (or chosen) restaurant. They greet diners, thank them for supporting the event, and offer donation envelopes which will enter diners into a raffle for three amazing grand prizes. Ambassadors make a critical difference in the lives of people living with HIV in our community. And it’s a lot of fun! If you’re interested in becoming an Ambassador, please email Chris at or call (828) 252-7489.
Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 25, 2019 and make your reservations today for Dining Out For Life. Simply dine out for breakfast, lunch, or dinner (or all three!) and you just may save a life. To find out more about the event and to see the list of 2019 Participating Restaurants, visit