Important Numbers

National HIVAIDS Hotline:
(800) CDC-INFO (800) 232-4636

National HIV/AIDS Hotline TTY:
(888) 232-6348

National HIV/AIDS Email:

National Hepatitis Line:
(888) 4HepCDC (888) 443-7232

Information about HIV

WNCAP uses the OraQuick Advance Rapid HIV ½ Antibody Test and the OraQuick Rapid Hepatitis C Test. This screening tool provides results in 20 minutes, enabling people to learn their status in a single visit and allows people who have a reactive test result to be connected to care immediately.

North Carolina does not allow anonymous HIV testing only confidential HIV testing. Confidential testing means a name is associated with the test. All information is held in strict confidence and is not released to anyone not associated with the testing process.
Schedule your confidential appointment >

Regional Health Departments & Health Centers that also provide free and confidential HIV/STD testing:
WNCAP uses the OraQuick Advance Rapid HIV ½ Antibody Test and the OraQuick Rapid Hepatitis C Test. This screening tool provides results in 20 minutes, enabling people to learn their status in a single visit and allows people who have a reactive test result to be connected to care immediately.

North Carolina does not allow anonymous HIV testing only confidential HIV testing. Confidential testing means a name is associated with the test. All information is held in strict confidence and is not released to anyone not associated with the testing process.
Schedule your confidential appointment >